Welcome to Vaida
A Holistic Approach To Wellness
Welcome to wellness your way. At Vaida™ we proactively work with you and your family to enable healing, prevent injury and increase overall energy and flexibility. We are 100% about assisting you with integrating a self-care regimen that promotes comfort, decreases pain and supports your life’s longevity.

What we do
Whole Body Wellness
Body + Mind. They should not be mutually exclusive.
These days individuals are seeking out natural ways to improve their health + wellness. At Vaida™ we seek to evaluate you, all of you. We know that your life is busy and it is often difficult to consider self and preventive care. Let us help you and your family create small but powerful changes that can affect how you all feel, positively.
Stress, diet, movement and repetitive habits can build a hostile environment for our bodies. At Vaida™ we take the time to identify what may be wreaking havoc on yours and offer solutions to mitigate them.
If you are already feeling wonderful we want to be sure to keep you on that path by guiding you in maintaining body function and alignment in the most optimal manner. We are big believers in continually implementing new modalities to improve our health as we age.
Acute Care
Let us undo the damage
Throw out your back bending over to pick up a piece of paper? Woke up and couldn’t turn your head? Roll your ankle on your morning run? We hear and understand your pain as we have all been there as life happens.
Let us undo the damage. When you come through our door, we perform a detailed history and thorough exam to get to the bottom of what may have contributed to your current issue(s).Then we craft a personalized and manageable treatment plan that combines in-office care and at-home techniques to get you back to business as soon as possible.

Proudly Serving
All are welcome
Our Core Values
Vaida in Sanskrit means "knowledge"
- Deliver knowledgeable service
- Be respectful
- Build open and honest communication
- Be humble
- Build a positive team and family spirit
- Be passionate and determined
- Embrace hard work
- Pursue growth and learning
- Be adventurous, creative and open-minded
- Have balance in life